Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Freedom for Jakub Fabian Skrzypski

Jakub Fabian Skrzypski is one of my friend from Poland, I known him since 2011 through a website to host people when they travel to your country. we can host them or just meet up for sharing culture, learn language etc. I love this website because even I don't travel abroad frequently but I learn culture and language to the right person. I even hosted more then 10 persons in my house from different country like America, Poland, Germany, British, Malaysia and Rusia. All of them showed good attitude, polite and good friend. 

From all of them, Jakub is special, even we known each other since 2011 but we still have good communication till now, he love to learn language, he can speak Indonesia, Java and bit Aceh ( my language). He keep contacting me whenever he travel around Indonesia, even just asked me "Pue Haba" (how are you). He like to discuss with me about humanitarian issued as he known I am working for humanitarian organization. 

We talked about conflict in Aceh, he asked me a lot and sometimes I cant answer it and when I am stack with his curiosity or even bored then I asked him " why do you asked me about this and why do you want to know about conflict in Aceh?. He said "I want to compare between Papua and Aceh or other place I have visited about conflict and why that happened" Then I asked him again " what are you doing in Papua, he said" Just jalan - jalan (traveling) visiting remote villages to see the true Papua.

I still remembered his question about to chose destination to travel" would you tell me a bit, how did you make the choice of place to visit and how did you like it" when I told him I want to visit India next year. I explain my reason:
I explain how is the idea to visit India then I told him the most important for me while travel is to meet people  and sharing about thing, sharing smile and story this is the best part. I like the process of every moment, I like when I have to carry my heavy bag and walk fast. most of that to re charge mind to be fresh.
Then Jacob said " I have been doing similar things, with similar idea".
Our last communication was on August 2018,  he send me several picture of book about Aceh and asked me who is the people on the picture. I suggest him to visiting Aceh but due to his short money he has, so he cannot visiting Aceh right now. he visited Aceh on December 2015.

Then after that date I never hear from him anymore, and I almost forget him because of my work then I remember him  suddenly on September 14, 2018. Why he never inform me what happening, I known he is in Papua still because he told me he was in Sentani Jayapura. I text him on his what apps and he never read it. I felt worried then I tried to search on google "turis polandia di papua" (Polish in Papua) what make me shock is he as in prison in Jayapura now. He was arrested in Wamena in late August 2018 on suspicion of being a journalist. Police allege Jakob met with members of an armed pro-independence Papuan group, and was involved in an ammunition deal. To see someone picture with gun on on his social media is not evidence to accused that person belong to separatist 

I am not his supporter, I am just his friend who communicated with him since 2011 and i feel there is a mistake to put him in jail, because:
  1. He is just a tourist not a journalist 
  2. He just traveling, taking picture and talking to people, as he told me he just "jalan - jalan" (traveling) visiting remote village and to see the true Papua and on his this visit (maybe) he have met with OPM people and I don't think he was joint the separatist. 
  3. He love to learn about culture and language so i think this is nothing wrong to meet with thus people to satisfied his own curiosity. That wrong because that is PAPUA. 
  4. He travel with short money so how he can support ammunition to them ( that is not reasonable) - I dont know maybe police have their own reason for this 

So for humanitarian reason I hope police to be wiser to Jakob so he will have his right to be free from jail and back to Poland to meet his friend and family.


Jacob - source media online 

For more information you can read on this:

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Monday, October 29, 2018

abu mudi ulama kharismatik aceh

Abu  Mudi captured by Amad Al Qusyairy 
Aceh terkenal dengan nama Serambi Mekkah dan ini menandakan kentalnya nuansa keislaman di Aceh.  Banyak remaja Aceh yang pergi ke dayah - dayah untuk mondok menimba ilmu selama bertahun - tahun dan apabila ada yang berhasil maka akan kembali kekampung halaman untuk mengembangkan pengajian disana. Aceh menjadi pusat kajian keislaman di Indonesia, bahkan sangat aneh kalau ada orang Aceh yang tidak bisa membaca Al Quran ataupun tidak mengerti hukum Islam (walaupun sekarang banyak kita jumpai orang Aceh yang tidak bisa mengaji). 

Selain itu juga Aceh memiliki begitu banyak ulama - ulama yang terkenal dengan hasil tulisannya yang bisa menjadi bacaan bagi semua umat islam. Ulama sangat dimuliakan di Aceh dan itu dilakukan sendiri oleh Sultan Aceh Sulthan Iskandar Muda, beliau sangat menghormati ulama dan menyediakan semua fasilitas untuk digunakan oleh para ulama. Sampai sekarangpun banyak ulama yang menjadi panutan umat yang menyampaikan ilmu keislaman, sebut saja salah satunya adalah Abu Mudi dari Samalanga Kabupaten Bireuen yang mempunyai sekitar 7000 murid yang sedang belajar disana. Selain itu juga Abu Mudi juga mengajar ditempat lain bahkan sampai ke Malaysia, baru - baru ini sekitar beberapa bulan yang lalu, Abu Mudi juga mengisi  pengajian Tastafi (tasauf, tauhid dan fiqih) di Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh Setiap malam Sabtu awal bulan. Sebelumnya pengajian in idiadakan di Meunasah Kampong Baro tapi karena antusias jamaah yang semakin meningkat sehingga tidak bisa menampung jammah sehingga di pindahkan ke Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman.

Siapakah Sebenarnya Abu Mudi?
Mungkin hampir semua orang Aceh mengenal nama beliau walaupun belum pernah bertemu, saya pernah bertemu sekali pada waktu mengantar adik ke dayah, beliau sangat bersahaja dan sederhana dan saya selalu mengikuti pengajian rutin setiap bulan di Banda Aceh. Dengan bahasa yang sangat ringan dan dipahami oleh orang awam. Saya selalu kagum dengan beliau, baik dari cerita orang, keluarga maupun pada saat mendengar kajian dari beliau sehingga keinginan untuk menulis tentang beliau semakin besar dan saya terus mencari tahu tentang beliau. Dari berbagai sumber akhirnya saya mendapatkan informasi yang akan saya bagi disini.

Nama lengkap abu Mudi yaitu Tgk Hasanoel Bashry dan menurut informasi dari dari adik saya Abu Mudi adalah seorang ulama dayah salafiyah dan memegang teguh ahlulsunnnah waljamaah. Abu Mudi merupakan menantu dari Tgk H. Abdul Aziz (Abon) sebagai pemilik dayah. Abu Mudi lahir pada tanggal 21 Juni 1949 di desa Uteun Geulinggang Kreung Geukuh. Abu mudi merupakan sosok ulama yang tegas terhadap apa yang dikatanya, karena kearifannya Abu Mudi menjabat sebagai ketua HUDA sekarang. karena keteguhannya maka setelah Abon wafat maka Abu Mudi memimpin dayah sampai sekarang.

Disamping mementikan pendidikan agama Abu Mudi juga mengembangkan pendidikan umum, ini terbukti dengan adanya sekolah - sekolah dan perguruan tinggi di dayah Mudi Mesra, kiprah beliau tidak berhenti sampai disitu, beliau juga melakukan kerjasama dengan negara Brunai Darussalam dan Malaysia.

Dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat seperti ini, harapannya ulama - ulama di Aceh itu menjadi penasehat pemimpin dalam mengembangkan amanat rakyat dalam membangun Aceh, dengan adanya peran yang besar dari ulama yang mengerti tentang hukum islam saya yakin Aceh akan aman, makmur dan jaya dan diakui oleh dunia sebagai wilayah yang beradap. Sungguh besar sekali peran ulama, seandainya pemimpin Aceh seperti Iskandar Muda, yang sangat menghormati ulama InsyaAllah Aceh akan kembali jaya.

Semoga Abu Mudi dan ulama Aceh lainnya diberi kesehatan oleh Allah SWT sehingga bisa menjadi penasehat bagi kaum penguasa dan Aceh terlindungi dari mara bahaya, Amin

Abu Mudi pada saat pengajian tastafi di mesjid reya captured by Amad Al Qusyairy

Jamaah pengajian tastafi di Mesjid Raya captured by Amad Al Qusyairy

segarkan sakit kepala dengan secangkir kopi

Today is like a monster day for me, semenjak tadi malam saya merasakan sakit kepala sebelah yang nyerinya sangat luar biasa dan betul - betul mengganggu waktu istirahat karena tidak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak, sakit sekali rasanya dan bertambah sakit lagi karena sendirian di perantauan. padahal besok harus bekerja karena hari Senin. Untung ada paracetamol jadi membantu sedikit untuk bisa tidak walaupun tidak nyenyak tapi tidak harus bergadang karena sakit kepala. 

Pagi - pagi terbangun dan tetiba kepala masih sakit saja tapi aku tidak mau istirahat dirumah, dengan sedikit hoyong aku ke kamar mandi untuk siap - siap berangkat ke kantor, dengan memesan grab akhirnya aku sampai di kantor dengan selamat tapi tetap saja kelihatan pucat, aku tau ini karena beberapa teman menyapaku seperti aku kurang sehat.

Well.... aku buka laptop untuk memulai bekerja tapi apa daya tenyata sakit kepala ini tidak bisa tertahankan, mata seperti berkunang - kunang dan perlahan air mata mengalir dengan indahnya, ini bukan air mata kesedihan karena diperantauan tapi biarlah air mata ini mengalir untuk mengurangi rasa sakit. Aku sempat tertidur sambil telungkup di meja karena sumpah..... sakitnya kepala ini tidak tertahan. Hampir 30 menitan aku tertidur dan terbangun, rasanya tidak ada perubahan, masih sakit dan sedikit hoyong.

Tetiba aku melihat ada kopi diatas meja, aku berpikir mungkin kopi ini bisa menjadi obat, barang kali ya, obat rindu sekaligus bisa jadi obat sakit kepala. Bismillah semoga ini bisa menjadi obat, aku menyeduh kopi dan meminumnya secara pelan - pelan dan tadaaaaaa. ...... Tetiba mataku menjadi segar bugar dan kepalaku tidak painful lagi. Alhamdulillah ini yang kunamakan sakit kangen dicampur sakit kepala.

obatnya hanya sesachet kopi ulee kareng hehe

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Journey of Two Polish Girl in Aceh, Indonesia

Tamara and Goha at floating boat Banda Aceh
One of my hobby is to learn language, specially English language. At the beginning its difficult for me because limited friend to talk with in English also my accent is so Achenese,  even when I speak in Indonesian language my accent still so Achenese. while I was at school one of my lecture said to me like this "lage kameng eek ateuh batee" that time I was so sad I almost cried but then I looked into his eyes and my eyes said I will show you one day English language is not a problem anymore for me.
June 2012 I got an email from Goha a polish girl who studied Indonesin language in Jogjakarta. in that email she said she will travel Aceh with his friend Tamara. that was a good news for me and I accepted them in my house ( i hosted them) there is two reason: 1. I want to promote Aceh to foreign people; 2. This is a good way to learn language direct with native. We change each other phone number. Then the story begin:

One day I got text from Goha and she said they was on their way to Aceh. That I though they used flight that why I reply" If you were at airport don't forget to text me back" I did't get any reply back. even it was change to next day. I thought why they did't reply me or maybe they canceled their plan to Aceh. so I called Goha to make sure myself. Did you travel to Aceh and she said they were on their way to Aceh, not on flight? no we didn't because we used hitchhike. ehmmmmm miscommunication lol. They just arrived in Medan and on my thought they will reach Banda Aceh at 8 pm.

It was 8 pm but they didn't contact me yet, I was so scare maybe something happened to them so I texted Goha and she said they reached Lhokseumawe, ehm I felt save Alhamdulillah. From Lhokseumawe to Banda Aceh about 5 house so they will arrive in Banda Aceh around 1 am (midnight). Well I have time to rest for awhile. I told them I will waiting them at Rex Peunayong, then i felt sleep. I wake up at 2 am but I dont get any news from the girl. It was 2 am and me going out ? Oh my god,how I can go out at 2 am to main town. Suddenly I got text from Goha and she said they are to reach Peunayong soon at 3 am. This really horrible plan and miscommunication among us. I have to find way. Then I remember a friend of mine, his name Agung and hopefully he didn't sleep yet. Lucky me Agung still awake and I beg his hel p to accompany me to Peunayong to pick up Goha. We both went to peunayong at 3 am and we didn't find anyone there. Suddenly a car stop there and there were 2 Polish girl. Thank God. finally. .... They looked tired with 2 huge backpack. I said thank to driver and finally we were going to my home with motorbike. I reached home around 4 am, felt so sleepy. Time to sleep for a better energy tomorrow around Banda Aceh.

Next morning, we planed to make itinerary while there were in Aceh, because they just spent a day in Banda Aceh so I had to make it good so they can known Banda Aceh. So here was the itinerary for them: Aceh Museum; Tsunami Museum, Great Mosque, Mass Grave, Floating Boat, Boat on the roof top of the house and Lhoknga beach.

The first place we visited was  rumoh Aceh (Aceh traditional house), they were very interested. They were ask many questions which I could answer lol. Then we went to tsunami museum, there we watched documentaries movie of the tsunami  and look around, then we walked to coffee show near by the museum in Back Jade cafe while that I had change to learn a little Poland language which is I forgot all now. its 1:00 pm, meaning that I have to do Zuhr prayer, then we went to great mosque (Mesjid Baiturrahman). They have provided the hijab because i told them if you came to Aceh you have to wear not open clothes and just bring hijab and they respected the role, when we arrived to the mosque I helped them to put hijab. A secury guard came to us and asked me they are muslim or non - muslim, I said no the He remain me to not allowed then enter inside the mosque because non muslim not allow enter the mosque, they said yeah we just look around while you were prayer. Then I took ablution and prayer. After praying I heard there was a little noise, Oh God...... Goha and Tamara entered mosque and the guard so anger to me. I just finished my prayer ans suddenly he was so angry to me because that two girl entered mosque. Of course I told them to not entered to mosque but they were very impressed with the mosque which vilanny made them inside. I bag sorry to guard and he not should angry at me because i have reminded them to not enter but they themselves entered the mosque. I felt like so annoying with this guard guy huh.

I took ablution and prayer, after praying I heard there was a little noise, O Allah, they were both in the mosque and of course I was the target of the guards' anger, I reminded them not to enter but they were very impressed with the mosque, which finally made they go inside. I'm sorry and annoyed at the security guard why should he be angry with me? I have reminded them not to enter but they themselves entered.

Coming out from the yard of the Baiturrahman, me, Agung, Goha and Tamara laughed badly for our silliness and because of I was the target of the security guard's anger. I asked them why they entered the mosque they said they were interesting and just looking around and while in Turkey there were allow to enter the mosque. They said why the guard got so anger to me not to them. We walked while talk and laugh.

coming out of the courtyard of the mosque, the four of us laughed badly at the silliness and I was the target of the security guard's anger, I asked why they entered the mosque even though I reminded them, they said they wanted to see - see in the mosque and the security guard should not be angry - angry with you because you reminded us, we walked again towards the museum laughing and telling stories.

They said Aceh people is good and friendly and they were no lying, before they visited Aceh some of their friend were reminded and banned them to Aceh because people there was rude and there was an Islamic Sharia but they proved that Aceh was a safe and friendly place to visit. Even they never hears of any boys whistling when they pass, not like other places in Indonesia they have visited, many guys whistling with no respect ( this is their idea not me, please no offended.

Time was 4 pm and they continue their journey to Sabang, and for the places that have not beeb visited will be visited after return from Sabang. I drove them to port and they boarded with fast ferry to Sabang.

The moral from this story is:

  1. Respect other people 
  2. Make a new friend is make your life more colorful 
  3. my English language is not good but I am trying to write it in English, correct me if you know there is some mistake ( i know there is  a lot)
  4. You will not change yourself when you respect other people's culture
Note: I ever write this in my other blog but in bahasa Indonesia and I was delete that blog 

Kendari, 18 Oct 2018
Missing Aceh badly 