Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hidup Itu Indah

Perasaan suka terhadap seseorang bisa datang kapan saja, dimana saja dan kepada siapa saja, tidak pernah memandang usia, bisa saja menyukai orang yang lebih muda atau bahkan suka sama orang yang usianya sangat jauh lebih tua, tidak peduli akan semua itu, jangan pernah menghalagi rasa suka itu, nikmati saja walaupun kadang harus bertepuk sebelah tangan.

Entah kenapa, faktor usia kadang selalu menjadi halangan, ingin rasaya selalu menjadi muda saja, stay 17 years tapi itupun tidak mungkin rasanya karena moment menikmati pergantian usia itu lebih indah.

Jangan pernah terbebani ketika menjalani hidup, walaupun belum menemukan pendamping, biarkan kehidupan itu mengalir seperti air akhirnya pun akan mencapai tujuan, begitupun dengan kita, jangan pernah tergesa - gesa karena akhirnyapun akan menemukan tujuan hidup.

Apapun yang terjadi kita harus siap menerima keadaan, apapun itu semua sudah ditakdirkan oleh Allah swt, yakinlah disana itu ada rencana yang terinda dari yang maha kuasa

Monday, January 26, 2015

Question start with "Why" and I Dont Like It

There is a lot of why here in Aceh culture, people always ask why for everything even for small children, sometimes they dont know each other very well but still why question keep asking to people, I dont know its a culture or because people care each other here.

I faced this also, some people asked me why, and this is really annoying me because there is a lot of why and they continue with other question, they really care to me. Here are some why question to me from people who care ha ha ha.

Why you dont marry yet
People like to complain me about this because I am not young anymore in their thought ( I still feel young forever hahah) Why I am still single, I really hate this question, I really want to say" this is not your business" but better I put smile on my face and not need to answer this question

Why you not be a teacher (cos i got degree from education)
Come on, teaching not only in formal school, a for apple, b for bottle. Open your mind people" a teacher mean someone do teaching and transfer knowledge to other, Of course in my job now I do that.

Why dont you try CPNS
CPNS is a test to be a civil servant, goverment will pay for salary, Hey people why dont you ask me other question like why dont you open a business.

Why you look different from your sibling
This question I got for several time, when I said I am daughter of my parent or a sister of my brother, the people like to ask me why you look so different, you are black then other.. ugh...DOnt ask me why okay, this is not me who make me look sweet like this.

Why you take so long for your degree
Of course I was graduate now, Its 2015 man, and some people still think I not finish my stusy, then I said I took 12 years for this but people still ask me why???????? ugh.. no one say congrats

Why you move to this private univ
This why question happened when I moved to another univ, some friend asked me why I should move from there cos there is better then here, then I explain for so long story from A - Z but still have why before they said oooo. again next day i got the same question for so many time, then one day i got idea so when people asked me I just said DO (drop out) with my very proud face hahahaha rasain looooo

I hate this why question because sometimes i dont know that people who asked me this but i need to be wise, so I should face this but I am tired :(

Question "why" and I LIke It

There is "why" question people ever asked me and I like this "why" because sometime "why " question really annoyed but for this why I really enjoyed. This why question is when people asking me about my age and I said I am ..... years old, most of people said "why you still look so young" ha ...ha...I like this very much and there is no reason to hate people and to hater this "why" question.

Keep young and happy Monday :)

Secret Admirer

I not sure myself about my feeling to someone there far from me, it came suddenly and there is something about him in my heart, it is flow like a water and I not realize it when exactly happened. He is very far from me and I know I cannot reach you but I cannot lie myself, there is already you in my heart.

You have a very pure heart, you everyone without asking any feed back to you, you ever told me "If you need friend to talk just talk to me" but  I am not that brave to talk to you without reason, someone said you are like a saint man and you have an angel heart then I said yes that is true.

Day by day my love for you keep strong but I never brave to tell that to you because I am not ready for rejected, I keep this feeling and only me and God now about this. Even I never brave to ask you about your condition, what I can do is I just see your picture and this is enough for me because I know very well I cannot reach you, you are to saint, good, religious, handsome, rich for me because I am only a modest girl.

I say thank to God because He let me to know you in my life, I thank to you because of the support you gave to me in my difficult life lately, I will always pray for you for every effort you ever made, wish to meet you one day and this is my special prayer :)

I am your secret admirer

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Kerbau dan Nini Pelet

Cerita masa Kecil Part 2

Tau kerbau khan? pasti semua pada tau, nah..... kalau Nini pelet tau nga???? nga semua orang tau, tapi kalau orang - orang jaman saya kecil pasti pada tau, Nini Pelet adalah serial drama misteri di radio, sudah lupa chanelnya apa, udah lama banget waktu saya kecil, sekitar tahun 1990an.

Apa hubungan kerbau dan Nini Pelet? sekilas memang tidak ada sih tapi ada hubungannya dengan masa kecil saya. Waktu itu Abi mempunyai beberapa kerbau, mungkin ada sekitaran 10 ekor dan menjadi tugas kami (saya, abang, adek) kita bertiga dikasih tugas sama Abi untuk membuat semacam api yang berguna untuk mengusir nyamuk dan membuat kerbau nyaman di kandang di malam hari. jadi kita membagi waktu untuk membuat api tersebut (kami membuatnya dari daun kelapa kering, pohon - pohon kecil yang kami potong, kami satukan dan kami bakar sehingga mengeluarkan asap untuk mengusir nyamuk)

Biasanya kami membuat itu di sore hari dan itu berbarengan dengan serial drama Nini pelet, kami memiliki satu radio yang dibeli oleh abang saya yang satu lagi, radionya berukuran besar, karena sudah ketagian dengan Nini pelet sehingga radiopun saya bawa ke kandang kerbau. Kandang kerbau kami dekat dengan hutan dan kuburan dan suara Nini Pelet sangat melengking waktu tertawa sehingga saya menjadi sedikit takut tapi karena tidak mau ketinggalan serialnya maka diatara takut dan tidak saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya.

Segera setelah selesai, saya mengambil radio dan lari kerumah. Anehnya ini berulang terus setiap hari, padahal kan bisa membuat api untuk kerbau sebelum drama dimulai tapi tidak pernah terpikir pada saat itu. oh Nini Pelet... Aku rindu tawamu yang melengking itu!!!!

Hobby dan Lampu Teplok

Cerita masa Kecil Part 1
Setiap orang mempunyai cerita masa kecil yang selalu akan dikenang, baik itu cerita senaang ataupun cerita sedih, begitu juga dengan aku, aku mempunyai banyak cerita masa kecil yang penuh dengan kecerian dan sangat sedikit cerita yang menyedihkan, walaupun ada tapi baiknya dilupakan.

Salah satunya adalah ketika aku masih sekolah di Madrasah Tsanawiyah, waktu itu di kampungku belum ada listrik negara atau dikenal dengan PLN, masa itu masih menggunakan listrik swadaya masyarakat yang pengunaannya da batasa waktu, listrik dihidupkan mulai pukul 19.00 s.d pukul 23.00 dan setelah itu dimatikan karena menghemat.

Salah satu hobbyku waktu itu adalah membaca, semua majalah yang dibelikan oleh Abi pasti kubaca, waktu itu Abi berlangganan Majalah Panji Masyarakat dan majalah Santunan ( senangnya punya orang tua yang rajin membaca :), proud of you my father). Tapi satu hal yang meyesalkan adalah kebiasaan jelekku yang suka tidak mengembalikan buku ketempatnya sehingga menjadi sasaran kemarahan orang tua, pernah waktu itu aku disuruh menjaga burung diladang kami, aku menjaga burung sambil membaca majalah, nah kebiasaan jeleknya adalah menyelipkan buku di atap rumbia kandang ayam kami, tanpa kusadari sudah ada beberapa majalah disitu dan suatu hari kedapatan sama Abi dan beliau sangat marah, sorry my lovely father for this.

Related to this hobby, karena listrik di kamupung kami dipadamkan jam 23.00 sehingga aku belum menghabiskan buku yang lagi kubaca dan itu sangat mengganggu dan tentunya penasaran harus dihabiskan sedangkan waktu sudah larut malam, kalau membaca dengan menggunakan lampu teplok pasti nga dikasih sama Abi dan Umi karena udah waktunya tidur, Lampu teplok itu sendiri adalah hasil buatan sendiri, kami buat dari botol bekas, kami bolongin tutup, taruk kain yang digulung dan minyak lampu.

Supaya Abi dan Umi tidak tau aku belum tidur dan melanjutkan membaca, diam diam aku ambil lampu teplok dan ku bawa ke bawah tempat tidur dan melanjutkan membaca, akhirnya setelah selesai membaca buku sampai habis akupun tertidur dengan nyenyak di bawah tempat tidur tersebut.

Keesokan harinya pada saat aku bangun, kulihat teman - temanku menertawain aku (waktu itu banyak anak - anak di kampungku yang mengaji di rumah sama abi dan mereka tidur dirumah) aku tanya kenapa? mereka bilang lihat aja sendiri ke cermin.

Karena penasaran aku bergegas ke cermin, dan...............................aku hampir tidak mengenal diriku lagi, mukaku hitam dan lubang hidungku berwarna gelam ha..ha..ha ternyata efek lampu teplok, asapnya yang hitam telam membuat muka dan lubang hidungku berwarna gelap.

Setelah saat itu setiap waktu tidur pasti Ummi akan memeriksa tempat - tempat tersembunyi untuk mengetahui apakah aku masih belum tidur karena keasikan membaca.

Sungguh pengalaman masak kecil yang indah


Zatin (me)
This Story written by Dewi Nursanti (CRC Media) 

Zatin looked quite busy when we met in Meunasah Kulam village, Aceh Besar on July 1st 2009. The Canadian Red Cross ICBRR officer Aceh Besar Field Office was conducting the training on First Aid for the members of Community Based Action Team (CBAT) in the village on that day, which was facilitated by PMI volunteers.  
Her hometown is Nisam village near Lhoksemauwe, North of Aceh, but she has been living in Banda Aceh since 1995, when she entered the high school. She was determined to be schooled away from her family because her older brother said that the provincial city has better quality of education than the ones in her hometown. In Banda Aceh she insisted to live on her own although she has many relatives here. Her reason was, “because I would like to be independent. I also love challenges and am keen to try something new.” In 1998 she entered IAIN Ar-Raniry, majoring in Teaching. At that time she had never heard of humanitarian organization, although sometimes she wanted to join the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), but she was concentrating to finish her study in IAIN Ar - Raniry, Banda Aceh, majoring in Teaching. 
Tsunami in 2005 brought a difference to her life. That morning, just barely finishing her morning prayer she felt the big earthquake. Zatin and all the other girls who rented the house together got out of the house and ran to an open field. A biker shouted, telling them that the biggest supermarket in the city was brought down by the earthquake, and that the sea had arisen. She recalled, “We decided to find shelter in Darussalam mosque. We were terribly confused and scared as none of us had ever witnessed this kind of happening. From the minaret there we watched water flowed into the city, swept everything that stood in its way. Along with many others we stayed in the mosque. On the second day we went out and tried to give help. After walking quite far from the mosque, people shouted that the sea was rising again, and my friends and I climbed up the nearest trees, and waited for hours until we were sure that it was safe to go down.” 
One week after the disaster she returned to her hometown to assure the parents that she was saved. Not waiting for too long she got back to Banda Aceh to volunteer for the Nangroe Aceh Darussalam PMI. She was assigned to do the assessment of victims and distribution of aid. Sometimes she helped the evacuation team too. Zatin stayed one year as PMI volunteer, and was accepted to be a staff for their Emergency Response until 2007. She had her first training in ICBRR program for 10 days in Jakarta, 2005, and had to travel to other area like Simeulue Island to share the knowledge. She was even being sent to have a Search and Rescue training in Taiwan in 2006. “I stayed there for one month, and I was so happy. I think that was the best moment for me so far. The people there were very discipline. There was no traffic jam, and the streets were clean,” she smiled. 
In April 2007, she was accepted by the British Red Cross as Disaster Risk Reduction Officer until May 2008. With those experiences, in June 2008, Zatin applied to an open vacancy for Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction Program from the Canadian Red Cross. “I like working for the CRC. The colleagues and supervisors are supportive. People are open to new ideas and willing to hear from sub ordinates. I learnt a lot from every place I have ever been involved with. The time I was working for PMI, I learnt on how to strengthen myself, and it is very useful in dealing with the community,” she explained. Under the coordination that she made with PMI and the community, so far four villages in Aceh Besar sub – district of Meunasah Mon, Meunasah Kulam, Suleu, and Mireuk Lamreudeup have already had their risk Reduction Plan. Zatin said that the achievements are due to the involvement of CBAT members. She added, “Sometimes the community are slow to response to programs, and I felt challenged to change their behaviour. But if the slow pace was due to internal villages’ issue, I try to maintain a neutral attitude, and make the approach through CBAT members.” 
As a person who wanted to be independent since early teens, she regretted the lack of initiative that she often faced in the villages. Zatin remembered that Acehnese were more independent before tsunami and she realized that aid and donation are not enough to build a brighter future for any community in anywhere. She hoped that behavioural changes will happen in the community. “Transfer of knowledge will be very important to build a strong community and developmental effort. Take reading, for instance,” she said. “There are not many libraries in Banda Aceh, let alone in the villages. The school library used to be filled with old textbooks only, and I guess the number will be lesser now. Not many people are fond of reading, while it is a way to improve your knowledge and be creative as it is also enrich the imagination. How can a community be strong if they do not even have the means to broaden their mind?” she asked. Her interest in learning about new and positive things to build her capacity was one of her reason to continue her study, besides her dreams to travel around the world. She was very keen in learning about people and different culture. She smiled and said that, “I would be very happy if somehow I can get other chances to attend some more training in other parts of Indonesia, and/or overseas, as different areas have their own behavioral and geographical characteristics. I am sure that no one would want to experience any disaster, be it man made or natural occurrence. I only try to be realistic in saying that there were so many inevitable events happened caused by many factors that may bring loss to life, and that we have to be better prepared in facing it.”

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lewat Hujan Kukirim Rindu

Rinduku telah terbatas
Tapi rindu tidak pernah padam
Wajahmu masih utuh terbayang
Senyummu masih terngiang
Sehingga rinduku semakin mendalam

Hujan adalah isyarat alam
Lewat hujan kukabarkan rindu
Semoga sampai walau disana ada batas tipis yang memisahkan

Rinduku terlalu dalam menghunjam
Aku tidak bisa menahan rasa
Hanya hujan yang menjadi perantara
Semoga rindu sampai kepadanya
Walau ada batas dinatara kita
Tapi aku merasa
Ada senyum bahagia disana
Di syurga

Dengan Mata Kuberbicara

Kuharap engkau mengerti
Arti dari tatapan mata ini
Karena lidahku sudah kaku
Tak sanggup aku berucap lagi

Hanya mata ini yang memberi isyarat
Entahlah engkau mengerti
Tapi mata ini tetap kelam dan memberi syarat

Mataku berbicara, kuharap engkau mengerti
Lidahku tidak bisa membantu
Rangkaian kata sudah hilang

Mengertilah arti tatap mata ini
Karena dari kelamnya bermakna cinta


June 4, 2014
Betapa aku berat untuk kehilanganmu
Air mata tumpah tak terbendung
Betapa cinta ini telah mengakar
Tak kuasa terhadap takdir

Hilang satu sudut hatiku
Hilang kehidupanku
Maafkan aku yang tidak kuat
Maafkan atas air mata ini yang terus mengalir akan kehilanganmu

Kehilangmu mengisyaratkan kehilangan satu episode kehidupan
Sungguh pahit yang kurasakan
Aku masih bisa tersenyum.... itu pasti
Tapi senyum itu telah hampa
Karena kehilanganmu adalah kehilangan yang penuh dengan kesedihan

Malam dan Kerinduan

Aku terlena dan terbuai di siang hari
Aku terdesa dan seak akan rindu dimalam hari

Malam menghantar rindu yang telah terbatas
Besar dan semakin membesar tidak bisa tertahan

Aku tak ingin mengakhiri rindu ini
karena engkau begitu berharga

Malam menterjemahkan rindukun dengan sempurna
Malam mengakhiri rinduku dalam indahnya mimpi dengan mu

Monday, January 19, 2015


Sayang kepergianmu meninggalkan luka besar yang menganga, memang luka itu telah kering tapi luka itu masih besar, tidak sanggup rasanya aku melewati beban yang begitu berat seperti ini. Semua ini adalah nyata dan bukan mimpi sehingga aku harus berjuang dengan semua kehilangan dan kepergian.

Hari ini sudah 7 bulan berlalu tanpamu tapi air mata ini masih belum kering, aku tidak tau kenapa orang - orang tidak pernah mengerti betapa sulit untuk menata kembali hati, mereka hanya tau laki -laki bukan satu, iya betul ada beribu laki - laki tapi apakah ada yang seperti dia, mungkin ada tapi belum kutemukan sampai sekarang.

Aku betul - betul merindukannya, rindu yang tidak tau bagaimana harus kuungkapkan, hanya aku sendiri yang mengerti perasaan ini.

Sekarang hanya foto dan videomu yang setia menemaniku, tapi temanku bilang, engkau disana bisa mendoakan ku, sayang .... kalau kamu juga rindu dan sayang sama aku tolong doakan agar ku disini bisa melanjutkan cita - cita kita berdua, doakan aku menemukan orang yang bisa sayang kepadaku seperti kamu sayang kepadaku, doakan untuk kebahagiaanku, doakan aku menjadi orang baik dan disayang oleh semua orang.

Sayang... rindu ini masih ada untukmu 
I Miss you alot

Friday, January 16, 2015


TGF or Thank God Its Friday is familiar for me on 2008, that time I worked with British Red Cross here in Banda Aceh. I came from isolate village and this is new for me, I not understand what its for but I got fun with friend because on that day a lot of food and fun :) 

Maybe there is a meaning about this TGIF but I dont know what is, but for me myself this TGIF use to express the joy one feels in knowing that the work week has officially ended and that they have two days off with which to enjoy, to relax, and use to go home to meet my mom and other family, I can say this is a really good time for me.

Also in my religion, Friday is a holy day, however people came to the mosque and pray there. so....today is Friday and I thank GOD because I still alive for today and can smile to people, worship HIM. so better for me to say "ALHAMDULILLAH" its mean Thank God :)

16 January 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Welcome January 2015

Well.... today is Januari 15, 2015, wow what a great number, 15 and 2015, is there any special today? let see, its still morning here lol. Hey January, I am so sorry because I just welcoming you today, not 15 days ago because you know I was so busy lately, a lot of job and report make me not welcome you, I not forget you but the timing is not mix so today is my time to welcome you.

Hey January 2015, I want to tell you little bit about my place, I am living in Banda Aceh - Indonesia, of course you know my place right, the place affected by tsunami 10 years ago, it was long but everybody remember about that that day. Also my place famous about Islamic Rule, aaahhhh stop thinking this is terrorist place, Aceh is a nice place for everyone, everyone is welcome here, we never make other religion scare to worship their god, no. We allow them because we respect each other here and never harm everybody.

January 2015, I will not say sorry because we don't have firework for welcoming you but this is our place and we have our own rule, there is not allowed to celebrate new year here, so what we do???? me and my fiend just met together in our friend house and had dinner. Just it but a lot of fun :) . I should respect of the regulation made by our mayor, its not easy for her but just help her for this

January 2015, this is my story for today, hope you will be kind to me because I just talk to you today, I will always here with you january and help me also to fight with my life here.

15 January 2015, what a perfect number :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Struggle for life

Life is not as easy as you think.....!!!!!!!!!! when you see rich people it not mean its easy for them to get that all, also when you see poor people its not easy for them too to face this life. Both should struggle for their life, no want just sit and get what they want because life is to struggle.

Even for you day of hereafter, you should fight for that, you will get what  so you did, you want heaven you should act like you that, if you be in hell so you also act like that way, your life is about you not about other. Never use other to make your own look better.

Life your live and struggle for that because nobody can help you except your self . Keep fighting................................